Ph.D. scholarship | Segmentation and tracking methods for innovative video compression techniques

3-year full Ph.D. scholarship


The first phase of standardization of the brand new MPEG coding technology, HEVC, has just been completed. However, there is a significant need of new coding techniques that can satisfy the requirements of future video applications and services, e.g. ultra high definition and high frame rate content and fully immersive multimedia experiences. Innovative image segmentation and tracking tools are expected to play a significant role in the design of novel compression technologies in the era of ultra-high definition and high frame rate video content.


  1. thesis_17.png
    The use of Graph Fourier Transform in image processing: a new solution to classical problems
    Francesco Verdoja
    Jul 2017

journal articles

  1. MVAP
    Graph Laplacian for image anomaly detection
    Francesco Verdoja, and Marco Grangetto
    Machine Vision and Applications, Jan 2020

book chapters

  1. ICIAP
    Fast Superpixel-Based Hierarchical Approach to Image Segmentation
    Francesco Verdoja, and Marco Grangetto
    In Image Analysis and Processing—ICIAP 2015, Sep 2015

conference articles

  1. ICME
    Fast 3D point cloud segmentation using supervoxels with geometry and color for 3D scene understanding
    Francesco Verdoja, Diego Thomas, and Akihiro Sugimoto
    In 2017 IEEE Int. Conf. on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), Jul 2017
    Directional graph weight prediction for image compression
    Francesco Verdoja, and Marco Grangetto
    In 2017 IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Mar 2017
    Efficient representation of segmentation contours using chain codes
    Francesco Verdoja, and Marco Grangetto
    In 2017 IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Mar 2017
  4. ICIP
    Superpixel-driven Graph Transform for Image Compression
    Giulia Fracastoro, Francesco Verdoja, Marco Grangetto, and Enrico Magli
    In 2015 IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP), Sep 2015


  1. patent_2_18.png
    Method and Apparatus for Encoding and Decoding Digital Images or Video Streams
    Marco Grangetto, and Francesco Verdoja
    Sep 2018
  2. patent_1_18.png
    Methods and Apparatuses for Encoding and Decoding Superpixel Borders
    Marco Grangetto, and Francesco Verdoja
    Sep 2018
  3. patent_17.png
    Methods and Apparatuses for Encoding and Decoding Digital Images Through Superpixels
    Giulia Fracastoro, Enrico Magli, Francesco Verdoja, and Marco Grangetto
    Mar 2017